Monday, December 8, 2008

Making Wreaths

Erin suggested this year that we start a new tradition of making pinecone wreaths with Aunt Carol and my mom each winter. We decided the day after Thankgiving would work best since we were all of of work, so we gathers the little people and headed to Gaga's house.

We thought it would be a couple of hours, but turned out to take 6 or 7 hours because there was so much more detail that I imagined.

I've got pictures of the before and after...please excuse us all for looking so rough :O)

So kade asked if he could take a few pictures, these are his contribution.

Here is my after, I am so proud of my wreath! I love it but it weighs about 10lbs so it isn't hung up on the wall yet, we need some seriously reinforced drywall hangers!

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