Monday, October 20, 2008


Well I finally bit the bullet and cut Luis' hair. I had been waiting until as close to his birthday as possible but we want to get pictures next weekend and he needed a cut before that happened. He was also called a girl on Friday and that was just enough!

He absolutely hated the whole thing. We started out with Oscar holding him but he was so hysterical that we had to take a break in the middle to switch to me holding him...which means all three of us were covered in hair by the end. I hope his hysterics were just because he was tired because this kid is in for about a million more haircuts in his lifetime! Here are the before, during and after shots.

We also went back to Monkey Bizness on Friday and had so much fun. He likes the little kid area a lot, he throws himself on top of the soft stuff and laughs so hard...but he prefers the big kid area because of the slides and tunnels.

Sorry for being so obnoxious with pictures today, but here is one more of Luis helping dad with the dishes while chewing on the top of a bottle

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