Thursday, August 28, 2008

Good intentions...

When I set up this blog page I had good intentions to start blogging frequenty about our family and most especially Luis, but between taking care of a teething boy and family visiting it just hasn't happened that way.

Luis is working on his 3rd and 4th teeth right now and its been a long, slow, painful process. He is a crawling machine and loves to stand at the bottom of the stairs and wave bye-bye to me.

While we had family in town we went to Estes and the Rockies game (just to name a few things) and here are some picture from those days.

Luis and I got his Halloween costume the other day and I couldn't wait for him to try it on. He was surprisingly patient and didn't get mad until after an hour or so when he started trying to pull it off. I can't wait to take him out trick-or-treating.

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